Lustful Lucy 01

First release!

I've been working on the framework and the structure for sex scenes, so there's not much as far as text goes, but there's enough to explore and get familiar with the game's mechanics.

Get it from MEGA

At the moment, there's a self masturbation scene, a public masturbation scene, and a fully fledged M/F scene. The game is currently set on "endless" mode, so you can just keep playing and choosing different outcomes.

I'm aware of the extra whitespace issues, I'll try to fix them on later releases.

A few important points about the sex scenes:

  • Doing a sex action (not position) will increase the arousal of whichever player is getting touched, in real time. You don't actually have to keep mashing "rub your clit", but the arousal increase overtime is relatively slow. Unfortunately, due to how Twine works, I can't really show that increase until you get to a different action/position (passage)
  • The M/F scene is fairly dynamic: It's possible to play said scene without player input, just by letting time pass. In other words, the male character is dominating you.
  • Orgasming is set to either reaching over 150 arousal, or a random number between 100 and 150 (both for the PC and NPCs). This basically adds a small element of randomness and allows for edging descriptions later on. In other words: anything below 100 is safe, but above 100, the character could orgasm at any time.
  • Wetness is still not fully implemented, it's just flavour text right now.
  • You'll notice there are 4 different male characters, but they're all the same. This will be improved upon later.
Next release goals (probably released on Friday): 
  • Mirror the M/F scene to be F/F. - This is definitely getting done
  • Polish some of the code and text.
  • Take wetness into consideration.
  • Code the whole orifice stretching business.
After that, I'm going to try to get some basic inventory system for sex items: Dildos, buttplugs, lube, condoms and so on. I´ll add a ¨Sex Shop¨ location (that you can visit  when you're back home) to get those items from.


  1. Good start so far. Need to have the basics fleshed out more before getting to involved. Adding bits like sensitivity and how detailed they are. Such as just breasts or breast and nipple being seperate. Also if likes and dislikes are changed after character creation based on player action.

    Content I would like to see later are things like vibrator, rotors, or sextoys worn all day, and some kind of forced orgasm play. Something like an online webcam service where tips = stimulation and the better and famous you are the more you are put through.

    1. I definitely have to add more descriptive text, right now it's very barebones. I still haven't decided how to handle preference changes, I'm not sure if I should integrate them into gameplay ("Train your ass with dildo" would slowly increase how much you like it) or just change preferences directly in a menu.

      Those are great ideas, I definitely like them. Forced orgasm is something I'll likely tie to a "major" character, rather than it just being a generic sex scene.

  2. This should be a link to the error screenshots I took.

    Treid in IE 11, Maxthorn 5, and Chrome v61 wont even launch it.


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